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Our struggle, is universal, is historical, and it’s about our existence..

Tuesday 12 March 2024, by International- Global Revolution

Digitalization of life , is a modification, commodification ,
valorization, and capitalization of you, of your entire life ( as a
social/biological /functional being). Digitalizaton is a technological
application/development of wage labor! The Labor is your life,
your submission, your readiness to be valorize ( including
enslavement and death)… and your wage is your “ credit/
permission, able to access …” to function and stay a live! Your
worth living is totally depends of how much/for how long/ capital
use you and extract value from you stay alive! When you are notvalue to capital anymore, than your life is finish! Plain and
Total negation to this system of relationship is the only answer of
Human community to its own historical enslavement and its
permanent degeneration! This is the only escape root! There is
not anther alternative!

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